Hotels & Destinations

Brasil Caldas Novas

Lagoa Quente Hotel
★ ★ ★
Lagoa Quente Hotel

Details that make your experience in new Caldas Be different, fun and comfortable! In addition to all the service and hotel structure, our g...

Details that make your experience in new Caldas Be different...


Caldas Novas

Lagoa Eco Towers Resorts
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lagoa Eco Towers Resorts

Lagoa EcoTowers Resort offers a wide structure in the region of thermal waters, having a green area of more than 40 thousand square meters....

Lagoa EcoTowers Resort offers a wide structure in the region...


Caldas Novas

Jardins da Lagoa
★ ★ ★
Jardins da Lagoa

Your home away from home For those looking for days of tranquility amid nature, but without giving up fun, Lagoa Jardins is the perfect opti...

Your home away from home For those looking for days of tranq...


Caldas Novas

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