Tennis Package
Dona Filipa Hotel Learn more about the Hotel
Tennis Package
Tennis package includes: - accommodation in selected types. - Daily buffet breakfast - Transfer to Tennis academy in Vale do Lobo and return - 5 days of training at the Tenis Academy complex in Vale do Lobo with a professional duration of 2 hours.
Included in the Rate

Non Refundable Non Refundable

Reservations can be canceled up to 48 hours before arrival, free of charge. After 48 hours, a cancellation charge equal to the first 2 (two) nights of the reservation will be charged. In case of no show or early departure, the total stay will be charged. Standard payment terms apply to all cancellation costs. For this purpose, the Hotel reserves the right to charge the cancellation amount to the guest's credit card, without prior notice or approval, when applicable.

Deposit / Guarantee Policies
All reservations require a guarantee credit card.
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Cancellation Policies
Reservations can be canceled up to 48 hours before arrival, free of charge. After 48 hours, a cancellation charge equal to the first 2 (two) nights of the reservation will be charged. In case of no show or early departure, the total stay will be charged. Standard payment terms apply to all cancellation costs. For this purpose, the Hotel reserves the right to charge the cancellation amount to the guest's credit card, without prior notice or approval, when applicable.
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Seg, 14 Nov - Sex, 18 Nov ( 1 Night )
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Dona Filipa Hotel
Check-in 16 Sep Check-out 17 Sep Nights 1 ( 1 nights) Rooms 1 guests 1
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