Hotel Almirante Cartagena Colombia (Learn more about the Hotel)
50.00% Discount

The Incentive

When choosing Rate: ALOJAMIENTO Y DESAYUNO - MERCADO EXTRANJERO. Win a 50% discount.

Deposit / Guarantee Policies

At the time of booking the hotel will charge the first night of the total number of nights booked, at check-in you must present the physical card in your name or that of one of your companions, or any other valid means of payment to make the charge. for the remaining nights of your stay

Cancellation Policies

No cancellations and / or modifications are allowed at this rate. In case of non-appearance on the day scheduled for your arrival, a penalty corresponding to the total value of the reservation will be charged.


  • From 2/16/2024 To 8/14/2024
  • From 8/15/2024 To 12/26/2024

Discount of: 50.00%

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